Monday, March 14, 2011

Themed Word Gets A Workover

For our final project we used Adobe Flash to create an interactive slider of sorts to reveal the original letters of out themed word.  This seemed to be the simplest of the projects as it was simply following a set of instructions.

My Themed Word

I really enjoyed creating a themed word.  One of the things I liked best about this project was being inspired to get out my camera!  I took pictures of moss in my yard to complete this project.  This themed word was created using Adobe Photoshop and my photos..  Overall I am pleased with the result although there are a few things I would do differently next time around.  I also have pictures of popcorn in case I am ever inspired to try this again!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Photo Gallery

I had a bit of trouble creating my photo gallery, thanks to my instructor it was fixed.  For this assignment we used galleria and html.  I am pleased with my final product.  I used photos I took while in DeCoursey Park in Puyallup.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Website Design - Here We GO!

Well, altering my first website design using a template was fun!  I enjoy this kind of artwork but am not totally pleased with my results.  There are a few things I would have liked to change that I wasn't sure how to without getting really deep in the layers of this design.  I am excited to play with templates and get more creative.  I used WIX to create this home page. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Online Tutorial

Assignment 14 was to complete an online tutorial.  I chose a tutorial that taught me how to create swirls and swooshes.  The tutorial URL is:  I enjoyed this project and learned a few techniques along the way.  I am happy with my design I created using Adobe Illustrator.

My Spider Using 3D-Coat

This assignment proved to be another challenge for the week.  I braved the snow to get to campus to begin my 3D-Coat challenge.  I brought it home and after MANY attempts to download 3D-Coat onto multiple computers I failed... Off to school early in the am to, hopefully, finish this project.  I was bummed that I wasn't able to finish my spider at home. 
Round two at the school proved to be much better, I really enjoyed working with this program and would love to be able to play with it and become proficient with it.  Fun project and my result is, in my opinion, so so...

Radio Wave Animation

Adobe After Effects continues to baffle me.  I created a radio wave animation in class and have tried to duplicate it at home without success.  I will have to keep trying and see what I can do.  Better notes might help, although I thought I took pretty good ones.  This is a work in progress... to be continued...
Well it is finished.  I am still not pleased with my final product but after many hours of working on it, rendering, and re-rendering I am calling it good.